
Christmas Break Completed

We added a new little guy to our family. Meet Keno, our Siberian Husky puppy. He is stubborn and proving hard to train (and not to mention when he does his business it is already 3 times the size of our other dog's) but we love him all the same. I mean, look at him. How could you not love that?

Check off my life long wish of wanting to be surprised with a puppy for Christmas. Just minus the box and cute bow. Nathan just carried him inside. Maybe next time.... ;)

The rest of our break consisted of 10 amazing days in Spokane with our family. Relaxing, movie watching, eating, and sleeping. Couldn't have asked for a better vacation. Except maybe if I had taken pictures to show how awesome it was. One day I'll jump on the "taking pictures of everything" bandwagon. Its on my New Years resolution list.

We also got to be there to go through the temple with Nathan's little brother Connor. Such an incredible experience. We are so excited for him and the new experiences he will have when he leaves on his mission in March.

2013 is going to bring with it a lot of changes for us. I graduate in April and will start my full time job with Deloitte some time this summer. I am nervous but ready for the next stage in life. To make it even better, I was able to pay for all of my tuition with no school loans. I feel like I have the right to brag a little since this is my blog. I have paid for all my own expenses since I left home in August 2008. Rent, car insurance, gas, phone bill, groceries, and even vacations. You name it and I paid for it. I hate asking for money and I made it a point not to unless absolutely necessary. There were a couple of semesters that I was a little short and I have a very generous dad who helped me out in those situations. But overall, I worked hard and saved so that I could do this on my own. I was blessed to have an awesome and flexible job that helped me do all that. Even during the horrible two semesters of the accounting Junior Core where I was told I absolutely could not have a job. I still worked 20 hours a week and somehow got accepted into the Masters program. And I had an awesome family who helped support me and always encouraged me. There were many times throughout the last five years that I wished I had parent's who would pay for everything but ultimately, I am so grateful that they let me do this on my own. I now appreciate my education SO much more because I worked for it and I paid for it.

Okay, I'm getting off my high horse now. But seriously, I feel like I deserved to be there for a minute.

I wouldn't be completely fair without mentioning my incredible and amazing husband. He worked just as hard as I did to make sure that we had the money to pay my tuition. Not to mention I honestly don't know how I stayed sane without him being around. He is always there to remind me when I need to take a deep breath, just enjoy life and stop stressing. He puts up with my crazy school obsessed brain and loves me all the more every day.

So life is good. I am trying to make the most of my last semester ever at BYU while still playing and enjoying life a little. Probably a little more playing than school right now, but hey, I deserve it at this point.

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